

dmit 刚发邮件通知了关于更换 IP 策略的 TOS 更新为 :

18. IP Replacement Policy

18.1   IP whose TCP is blocked by the firewall in mainland China can be replaced every natural month.

18.2   The precondition of 18.1 is that the VM package is non-monthly payment and the expiration date of the server are more than 15 days.

18.3   IP that has been DDOS is not allowed to be replaced.

18.4   IP change fee for monthly payment order is $5 each time (Limit replacement every 15 days).

简单的说就是 :

  1. 非月付的机子 , 如果到期时间超过 15 天的话 , 每个月可以免费更换一次 IP
  2. 月付的机子 , 每 15 天可以付费更换一次 , 费用为 5 美元
  3. 被 DDOS 的不允许更换 IP

另外套餐进行了流量升级 .

如果你以前购买过的 , 可以在后台发 TK 请求升级 .

PVM.n2.Large > $75/mo down to $60/mo; Bandwidth up to 3500G@250M

PVM.n2.Medium > Bandwidth up to 3000G@200M

PVM.n2.Small > Bandwdith up to   2500G@200M

PVM.n2.Micro > Bandwidth up to 2000G@200M




dmit.io 香港 vps 测试 /PCCW/ 三网直连 /15 美元 1T 单向流量

未经允许不得转载:91云(91yun.co) » dmit更换IP策略更新/套餐流量升级

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    nexthop 偷带宽大师

    axine7年前 (2018-09-21)回复